The sawmill

The sawmill Bois Brever S.A. is a family business located in the north of Luxembourg, which specialises in the production and further processing of construction timber and planed goods.

The company was founded in 1947 and is now in its third generation being led forward.


1947 - Foundation of the sawmill by Pierre Brever.

After the Second World War, the demand for construction timber rose sharply – the ideal conditions for founding a first, smaller sawmill were given.

1960 - Complete new construction of a larger, more modern sawmill.

The steadily growing clientele and the demand for construction timber necessitated an expansion and modernisation of the sawmill. The sawmill was completely renewed.

1976 - Carlo Brever joined the family business.

After his training in the forestry sector, Carlo Brever started working for the company.

1978 - A planing mill was built to enable diversification.

Carlo Brever decided to establish a second mainstay alongside sawing construction timber: refining the wood by planing it. A new planing mill was added in order to be able to address a wider clientele.

1996 - Investment in a larger, high-performance main saw.

The continuous modernisation of the sawmill made the purchase of a new main saw imperative. The increased output of the machine expanded and optimised production.

2007 - Corinne Brever joined the family business.

After completing her studies in England and Ireland, Corinne Brever followed in her father's footsteps, thereby assuring the continuation of the business into the third generation.

2017 - A new solid structural timber plant was founded.

To guarantee the future of the business, it was quickly realised that further diversification was necessary. The choice fell on in-house solid structural timber production. The product range was thus expanded and the sawing and drying of regional timber to produce the company's own raw material increased the capacity of the sawmill. This was the first and only solid structural timber plant in the Luxembourg area.

Our employees

Corinne and Carlo Brever are supported by a competent and dynamic team.

The staff of Bois Brever currently numbers around 40.

Your direct contact persons

Corinne Brever
Corinne Brever Operational management
+352 99 85 64 - 35
Carlo Brever
Carlo Brever Operational management
+352 99 85 64 -1
Raphael Franzen
Raphael Franzen Technical Director
+352 99 85 64 - 400
Philippe Philippart
Philippe Philippart Round timber purchase
Sandra Moutschen
Sandra Moutschen Accounts & HR
+352 99 85 64 - 50
Michael Marx
Michael Marx Sales – Customer Care
+352 99 85 64 - 1
Panman Yoram
Panman Yoram Sales – Customer Care
+352 99 85 64 - 1
Our modern sawmill in the north of Luxembourg

Cross-cut station & round timber yard

Our cross-cut station is designed for long timber. The debarking, log bucking and measurement of the logs are automated processes.
Every single log is digitally analysed and optimally processed.

Our round timber yard covers an area of 2000 m², where the individual sections are sorted into different boxes according to length.

Main saw

The main saw forms the heart of the sawmill. The wood is cut by a chipper band saw unit (2 reducing discs, 4 band saws), followed by side board edging.

The highest attention is paid to the quality of the sawn timber and the precision of the measurements.

Solid structural timber plant

Since 2017, we have also been offering solid structural timber from our own production.
This is the first and only factory in Luxembourg.

The capacities of our sawmill are now used efficiently, as we carry out the sawing of the raw material ourselves from regional spruce wood. We offer a high quality product that is subject to the guidelines of the CE standard -> C24 / non-visible quality.

Planing mill

We are equipped with two planing lines, which guarantee us a high degree of production flexibility.
Our in-house sanding workshop allows us to offer a diverse range of profiles.

The modernisation of the planing mill will be implemented in the near future.

Our sawmill in a few pictures

Our certificates


The PEFC certificate guarantees sustainable forest management and identifies wood from economically, ecologically and socially sustainably managed forests. Bois Brever S.A. undertakes to implement and continuously comply with the requirements of the PEFC chain of custody and the use of the PEFC/22-31-14 mark. This commitment is available for consultation by staff, suppliers, customers and other interested parties. Our PEFC certificate number is: WOODBE – PEFC – COC – 000984


We respect the guidelines of the CE standard that apply in the field of "construction timber for load-bearing purposes". The construction timber is visually sorted into individual strength classes (C16, C18, C24, C30) by our trained personnel. Our CE standard certificate number is: 1161 – CPD – 0987.


The sawmill offers heat treatment of the wood according to the applicable standard. The treated woods are marked with the imprint of the European certification IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention). Our IPPC number is: LU – 096 – HT – DB.


The Brever sawmill is proud to represent the label "Made in Luxembourg". We attach great importance to local production with regional resources.

Round timber procurement

The Brever sawmill only cuts regional spruce wood originating from within an area of a radius of 150 km.

We attach great importance to the quality of finished products. This standard begins already with the careful verification of the origin of the round timber.
In this way, BOIS BREVER can support and guarantee sustainable and certified forest management.

Contact us